The institution of Puget Sound Christian College served Jesus and the Christian Church through providing Higher Christian Education and ministry training in the Puget Sound Region for 57 years. In 2007 her formal active education ministry ceased, but not her legacy. Many years ago, the administration of the college had the foresight to establish the groundwork for a Foundation. Little did we know then what we know now. While virtually no activity was made on the Foundation during the school’s existence, the scaffolding was erected. During the closing days of the College the PSCC Board appointed a new Board to oversee the Foundation, it stands as a separate entity from the college, with its’ own IRS (501c3) status. It still bears her name, PSCC Foundation, and will honor the legacy of past donors by offering on-going scholarships for NW students who seek to receive a Christian Education. The Foundation is also a vehicle for new donors who wish to support NW students who are preparing for ministry
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Last Updated: March 21, 2013 by Michael
Association with Puget Sound Christian College
Category: History Tags: History, PSCC, PSCC Foundation